Midnight Over the Oasis Center Block

I've happily picked out 16 colours for the triangle pieces for the MOTO QA with The Elven Garden  blog and Jen Kingwell.

 I've been listening to CBC Radio from Canada on various topics and quietly hand cut my triangles. But this was not before I took a lengthy read through the tips on accurate hand piecing from  "Playful Patchwork by Suzuko Koseki" review from Playful Patchwork. 

 I've learned to be exact in cutting out the hand cut triangle pieces.

The hand stitching of the piecing went really well, I'm quite happy with this first triangle.

Then, all four came together in about 3.5 hrs of hand stitching. So not too bad in terms of length of time to hand stitch. The my camera went on the fritz!

My friend Betsy, went for the paper piecing method, see photo below for Quilting Fiesta, you can follow her progress too:)

Very cool Betsy, these are all going to be so different! I really like the calm effect of the darker color for the background.

I couldn't post this on Oct 18 and I was really bummed with that and so ta da, my camera is fixed and here is my version of the center block.

So here's the report on hand piecing. 
  • Don't start until you read cover to cover any book on  hand piecing. I've learned the hard way to be precise with moving around and through seams. I skipped a few chapters:)
  • Don't blend used and new cotton together, one has attitude and one is compliant. I had to learn this after the background piece of blue plaid is wild and wooly! Going to have pay close attention to this and I've decided its got to be hand quilted.
Take care, talk soon, Carli
So onto the next part, first border.


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