Bears, Bugs and Rain-we still had fun

Summer is fabulous for keeping up with visits and your own vacations. Recently, we had a lovely visit from our son Paul and his girlfriend Melissa. Both live in Edmonton, Alberta. Its quite a drive to our home in the Bulkley Valley.

We celebrated their arrival and had such a good visit.

And then we went fishing. Little did we know how hard it was going to rain the first night we were there. Paul and Melissa were in the tent on the shore, lovely spot, but proved to be a bear walk and spent that night listened to our dog growl and patrol around the tent.

Paul and Melissa kept warm  by the fire and being silly! Even Rusty got in the silly act with her bored tongue look! lol:)

I carried on, bug dope on and into the threads, I relaxed and visited on the shore. No fish this trip but a great little get away!

Paul and Melissa endured it with such grace and preparation~hoodies!! Thank goodness we had those or we would have been doing some other dance, the mossy's and black flies were brutal. Good to be  back home.

I'm  linking up with Show Off Saturdays!


  1. Glad your son & his girlfriend came to visit--always a great time, I am sure!


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